目前分類:胖仔食堂 (4)

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It was my first time to make Indian Chickpea Salad. That was successful though I didn't t add Cottage Cheese.

How to make Indian chickpea salad:
Step1: I use canned chickpea and drain it. I also boil chickpea slightly to remove the smell. 
Step2: Diced onion, sweet pepper, coriander, and tomato.
Step3: Dressed salad by lemon juice, curry powder, and salt. 

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When I went to Barcelona 5 years ago, I drank the best Sangria in my life.

I liked the flavor of fruit and wine and tried to look for the Sangria I remembered.

However, I still couldn't find the Sangria I liked.

Good thing I can make it by myself now and I do it very well. 


How to make perfect Sangria:

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有點想吃鼎泰豐的銀耳四寶甜湯, 那就來自己煮囉!


食材: 新鮮白木耳, 蓮子, 紅棗, 桂圓, 冰糖

1. 白木耳, 蓮子, 紅棗小火燉煮約30min.

2. 確認蓮子吃起來綿密後, 再放入桂圓提味, 這時的白木耳也會越來越濃稠(白木耳含有膠質).

我是用2Q的Le creuset 花朵鍋, 煮的水量約鍋子的一半, 蓋鍋蓋煮半小時後會小冒泡出來.

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參考喜歡的食譜, 再搭配冰箱有的食材做調整, 就是一道道Lia廚房的家常菜囉~ ^O^


* 參考蘇發福的烤花椰菜食譜

食材: 白花椰菜, 橄欖油, 香料鹽

洗淨的白花椰菜切小塊瀝乾, 搭配O&CO 210°熱炒專用橄欖油和綜合香料海鹽(麵&沙拉料理專用), 200度烤15min, 好吃! 

Tip: 花椰菜要瀝乾, 這次烤完底部的花椰菜比較濕潤, 口感就沒有那麼好. 

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